Pull Apart Pizza Bites

Thought I’d change it up a bit and throw out something savory. Those that know me well, know that I LOVE pizza! It’s the perfect food - bread, cheese, veggies, meat, and more cheese! Not to mention, it comes from one of my favorite places in the world - Italy! These pizza bites are quick and easy, using store bought biscuit dough - perfect for that afternoon craving of pizza, without having to put too much work into it. These little bites are nestled inside a bundt cake mold, creating that cool ring that’s basically asking for a marinara dip for easy access. Inside you have some basic red sauce, pepperoni, and cheese. Lastly, there’s a Italian herb olive oil glaze.. Made these on a Sunday while enjoying a glass of wine..


The Deets: 

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • Grease a nonstick bundt pan

Olive oil glaze

  • Combine olive oil, Italian seasoning, and red chili flakes

Simple Marinara Sauce

  • Over medium high heat,  pour crushed tomatoes into a large sauce pan. Allow to come to a simmer (10-12mins), stirring occasionally. As the tomatoes start to cook down, you can use a wooden spoon to press down the crushed tomatoes if there are larger chunks. 

  • Add Italian seasoning, sliced garlic, salt, pepper, and sugar (optional). 

  • Allow to simmer for 20-30mins on medium/low heat. 

  • Set aside to cool fully.

Pizza Bites

  • Cut each of the biscuit rounds in half. Shape each half into its own circle, which is approx. 3-3.5” in diameter. 

  • Place 1/2 teaspoon of marinara sauce in the center of each piece of dough. 

  • Place 2 small pepperoni’s, then top with mozzarella cheese. 

  • Take two opposite edges and ping together, then do the same with the other two opposite sides, creating somewhat of a little purse or stuffed ball. Continue to shape the dough between your hands to make sure it’s nice and round. 

  • Place the stuffed pizza rounds inside the bundt pan. Try to not make them look so perfect as the more unorganized it is, the more rustic it will look. 

  • Continue to repeat the process above until you get about 2/3 through all fo the dough. Before placing the last 1/3 into the bundt pan, spoon approx. half of the olive oil glaze on top of the rounds, making sure that each round gets some exposure to the glaze. 

  • Sprinkle 1/2 cup of the mozzarella cheese on top. 

  • Place remaining rounds on top of the cheese. 

  • Place in the over and bake for 33-35mins.

  • Allow to cool slightly, then take your cutting board or whatever you’d like to plate with. Quickly flip over and it should come out pretty easily. 

  • Brush remaining olive oil glaze on top. 

  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese and chopped parsley

  • Using a little cup or bowl that fits in the middle of the ring, fill with marinara sauce for dipping. 