Peanut Nutter Butter Choco Chip Cookies

Peanut Nutter Butter Choco Chip Cookies

This year, we had a virtual gift exchange/ secret Santa. If you know me well, I’m a huge chocolate and peanut butter fan - that said, I received one of the coolest gifts this year from my cousin, which was a boat load of Nutter Butter cookies and versions of the cookie that I’ve never seen (NB wafers, chocolate covered NBs, and more!) I was so excited to get these, which also got my creative juices flowing. 

My inspiration for my Peanut Nutter Butter Choco Chip Cookies came from the awesome secret Santa surprise! This is essentially a peanut butter cookie, with chocolate chips AND pieces of nutter butter cookies throughout! The cookie itself gives you that crumbly texture that you get from PB cookies on its own, with crunchy notes throughout from the NB cookies hidden within, and lastly the bitter sweet hints of dark chocolate chips throughout. This recipe was definitely one that was worth the experiment!


What you need:

  • 3/4 cup peanut butter

  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter (room temp)

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1 egg

  • 1 cup flour

  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda

  • 3/4 cup mini dark chocolate chips

  • 8-10 Nutter Butter cookies (crushed into pieces)

The Deets:

  • Using an electric mixer, using the paddle attachment, cream together peanut butter, butter and sugar, vanilla extract, and egg.

  • In a separate medium mixing bow, whisk flour, salt and baking soda. After mixed, add mini chocolate chips and crushed NB cookies.

  • Add dry ingredients to the creamed mixture and mix well by hand using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.

  • Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hr.

  • Preheat oven to 350

  • Shape chilled dough into golf ball sized rounds. I used a 2 tablespoon scoop, but let it overflow in the scoop a bit to make them a little larger.

  • Place shaped dough on a cookie sheet with parchment paper or silpat, placing cookies about 2” apart from one another.

  • Using a fork, press down on each ball to create that traditional criss cross indentation.

  • Place dough in the refrigerator for another 15-20mins.

  • Bake for 11-12 minutes.

  • Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.